At Otavalo market At Otavalo market Volleyball in a backyard in Otavalo View of Quito, Capital on 2850m On the road to the tropical forest in eastern Ecuador
You can find a volleyball field even in the smallest village In the tropical forest near Misahuallí, view westwards to the Andes Latacunga, a Town in the Andes south of Quito In the Andes above Latacunga View westwards at sunset
Chimborazo volcano (6270m) near Riobamba A flat tyre again... Live-interview at local radio station of La Mano Volcanic landscape on Isabela island Pelican on Galápagos Islands
Marine Iguana on Galápagos Islands Land Iguana on Galápagos Islands Crawfish on Galápagos Islands Sea-lions on Galápagos Islands Baby sea-lion on Galápagos Islands